noun, verb, -tied, -ty·ing.
impeded motion of the tongue caused especially by shortness of the frenum, which binds it to the floor of the mouth.
So, we thought that Shaw might be a bit tongue-tied because when he sticks his tongue out it looks kind of like this...
And also because he's 2 and still only saying one syllable words and sounds. We took him to the pediatrician for a check up and asked about it, they said it was a possibility but not for sure so they referred us to a Speech Therapist. That appointment is scheduled for tomorrow. A common solution to this problem is they clip the frenum to allow the tongue to move normally.
Tonight Shaw is playing in the back yard on his scooter, he is riding the scooter holding a PVC pipe (Why, you ask? because my kids like to play with anything that's NOT a toy). He is riding and decided to put the PVC pipe in his mouth, Andrew sees him and tells him to take it out, obviously noticing a possible danger. Moments after telling him to take it out of his mouth the PVC hits a crack in the concrete and jabs it further into his mouth.
(Yes, I just spent 10 min drawing this up on photoshop so everyone would understand. You're welcome.)
Crying ensues and Andrew brings him in to assess the damage. After dabbing the blood out of his mouth his sees that Shaw has basically clipped his own tongue. Andrew decides it's best to take him to the Dr. just to make sure everything is good. After a quick trip to the Dr. we are informed that Shaw did a great job and his tongue looks pretty much like it would look if they had clipped it for him.
Let me give you the "coupon" breakdown:
Tongue tie surgery: $300.00 +
PVC Pipe approx. $0.79
Wiggle Scooter: Free (it was a gift)
AMOUNT SAVED: $299.21 (99.7% savings!!)
*Shaw is doing fine, the Dr. said it will heal on it's own. He came back from the appointment his happy little self. He's such a tough kid and he sure knows how to save some moo-la!