I realized I hadn't taken any recent pics of Marinn, Taurin, and Shaw so I decided to get them ready to go and we'd try and get a few shots of each of them. The following is what we got in about 15 min, on the side of the road. They are sitting on this really cool, razor sharp lava rock. And they rocked it!
*make sure you scroll to the bottom and read the BEHIND THE SCENES STORY*
Marinn ...America's Next Top Model.
(Notice the bug on her hand... she loves bugs. A lot.)
Taurin ...accessories are a must!
(That is a purse shaped like a cat in her lap.)
Shaw ...such a handsome fellow.
BEHIND THE SCENES STORY: While I was taking these pics of Shaw, Marinn took it upon herself to get the training pottie out of the back of the van (kept there for emergency pottie situations), while we were parked on the side of the road and relieve herself. I am glad that she didn't have an accident and helped herself to the pottie, but I think she flashed a few cars passing by in the process.