The other day Andrew and I were sitting on the couch as he was telling me about a difficult person he dealt with that day. It was a pretty serious and intense story that Marinn happened to be overhearing as she sat next to us. Andrew was basically describing a type of physical danger that comes with his job.
In the midst of the story Marinn interjects with concern, "Dad, you should really be careful."
Andrew and I look at each other with that look of, 'Oh isn't our child so thoughtful and sweet to be concerned about her daddy's safety.'
About the time that thought has crossed our minds she adds, "Because the remote is right there behind the pillow and I don't want you to crush it."
BAHH HA HA! We both just died laughing realizing she was not concerned for him at all but concerned about the safety of the remote. I guess she has full confidence in his super hero powers.