Sunday, July 24, 2011

VBS & a Life Lesson

This week was VBS (Vacation Bible School) at church.  Marinn was so excited to go and was down for anything.  There were a few competitions throughout the week including a "Best Rock Star Glasses" and "Best Rock Star Hair".  

I wanted to hook her up with some rockin' glasses so we took a pair she had and added some serious glam to them.  She was excited when I dropped her off and she was sure she was going to win.  
That night when I picked her up she was in tears because her team had not won and she was upset because she knew hers were the best.  The conversation on the ride home went something like this:
Marinn, "I should have been on the green team because they always win.  Tomorrow I'm gonna be on the green team!"
Me, "Marinn, you can't change teams. You just have to try your best and see who wins, but you can't get upset if it's not you." 
Marinn with a look of total determination in her eyes says, "Tomorrow you are gonna give me the BEST  and BIGGEST rock star hair, I'm gonna wear rock star clothes, and shoes and my glasses and I'm gonna win tomorrow... I KNOW IT!"
It felt like I was listening to a coach inspiring his team right before the Super Bowl. 
Needless to say I agreed to help give her the best rock star hair. 

So, the next day came and as the children were napping I googled rock star hair and stumbled upon a youtube tutorial on how to do a female faux hawk
When Marinn woke up from her nap it was time to get down to business, after some serious back combing and hair spray this is what we got....

Oh yes, and some jello / red food coloring to add the red to the sides... so appropriate since she was on the red team.  She was ready to go! On the way there we went over how she was going to congratulate the team who won and if she won to tell the other teams good job.  I felt confident she would be good either way.  
As we walked into the church just about every staff member we passed complimented her on her hair.  I think that alone was a great prize, but in the end her team did win and they got the coveted Pop Rock's prize.  Life Lesson learned.

*CAUTION: When attempting this hair style be aware that this will take you approx. 30 min of combing with conditioner soaked hair to get it out. 

Funny Thought from the Past: I know that at this age the outcome of some of these competitions depends on the parents, what they are willing to do to help their child win.  I remember in high school a girl brought this amazing scale model of some shakespearian building for her project.  I was so impressed until I heard that her father was an architect.  At the time I was irritated because her project was so much cooler than mine, but I didn't have an architect as a father.  But now that I am a mother and I want my children to succeed and be the best that they desire to be, I can understand a bit better.  My kids will just be saying, "Yeah, I know my projects the best, my mom helped me with it, she's a crazy googler!"
We can't all be architects.    

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