This morning as Andrew is getting ready Taurin mentions something about going to work with daddy.
Marinn says with confidence, "You have to be really big and tall. And a boy to go to work Taurin."
(The previous morning Taurin was looking for her shoes to put on to go to work with daddy, and I had told her she wasn't tall enough. Marinn was reinterating my ideas from the previous day with her own flair. )
Then Andrew says, "Girls just stay home and watch movies huh?"
The girls replied with a, "Yeah!"
On the way out the door Marinn yells, "Bye Daddy! Have a good day at school!"
I ask, "Daddy is going to school?"
Marinn, "Yeah... he's going to work school."
I love the confident assurance in her answers. I think God wishes we would talk to him like that sometimes. Even when we are not 100% right.
*I know the above picture would be perfect if Andrew was in his work uniform hugging the girls... but who takes pictures of that? Boring! This one is much cooler.