Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Silly turkey. Bucket Head. Apple Bottom Jeans.

Taurins three favorite silly sayings.... 

"Apple bottom jeans with the booty fur!"
Anyone who knows Andrew knows that he occasionally says random stuff.  Well he would sing the little phrase, "Apple bottoms jeans! Boots with the fur!"
Taurin picked up on it and made it her own. The way her little voice says it is hilarious!

"Bucket head!"
Andrew calls the girls silly stuff all the time. Taurin now will randomly just call people bucket head or just says it out load out of no where.  Yet again... hilarious!

"Silly Turkey..."
This is from a book called, Red Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton. 
No where in the book says "silly turkey", but one day as Andrew was reading it to the girls whenever they would get to the turkey he'd read the "oops" and then say silly turkey. Taurin thought it was soo funny and started calling people silly turkeys whenever they were silly. The cute thing is she says it more like, "silly tur-tee". 

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